© Copyright 2020 First Peoples’ Assembly Of Victoria

Representation and
decision making power


Treaty is an opportunity to secure better representation and political power for First Peoples.

Both the state-wide Treaty and Traditional Owner Treaties can include changes to current systems and structures of government to give First Peoples a greater say and control over matters that affect First Peoples.

“Treaty is opportunity to secure meaningful structural reform to ensure our people can make the decisions about our communities, our culture and our Country.”

— Aunty Geraldine, Assembly Co-Chair.

Over the last few years, we’ve been yarning with Community about various ideas for reforms that will put First Peoples in the driver’s seat. 

We’ve got some big decisions to make before sitting down with the Government later this year and the Assembly will continue to bring our communities together so we can keep yarning and decide what priorities the Assembly should focus on during the first round of negotiations.

Nothing is off the table, so we want everyone to think big and we need to keep hearing your ideas!

A few key issues have already emerged from the yarns so far and will be fleshed out further at upcoming meetings and Community gatherings and Assembly Meetings. The priorities for the first talks with the Government are likely to include topics such as:

  • Representation – How can we make the Assembly a permanent representative body for First Peoples in and from Victoria and what shape, powers, and scope should it have?
  • Decision-making powers – We think decisions about First Peoples communities, culture and land should be made by First Peoples, not Government, so we need to agree on a process and timetable for transferring power from Government to Community.
  • Transformation of the justice and child protection systems – The Yoorrook Justice Commission is making crucial recommendations and we need to make sure they are implemented in a reasonable timeline.

Our engagement team and elected Members are having conversations about these concepts and more at various Community yarning events around the state. So if you’re mob, come along to one and get involved.

And of course, make sure you are enrolled to show your support and have your say!