© Copyright 2020 First Peoples’ Assembly Of Victoria

Member for the South West region

Uncle Michael “Mookeye” Bell

Gunditjmara, Boandik

Contact Uncle Mookeye


Ngata, I acknowledge the Elders, Traditional Owners and First Nations People living/connected in the South West Region of Victoria.

I’m Michael “Mookeye” Bell, a Gunditjmara/Boandik Man of the Far South West of Victoria. I’ll be turning sixty this year and I’m married to Sandra Bell, a Yorta Yorta Woman, and we have two adult sons Billy & Micko. Billy’s partner is Lisa O’Brien with his son Archie, and Lisa’s two older boys Tyler and Bailey are all a part of our family.

I believe in creating a treaty within the state of Victoria. I see this term of Cultural Governance as being significant in enhancing our pathways to strengthen our voices on matters that define us and impact on us.

A strength of mine is working in partnership with others from our communities, as it is important in negotiating a state-wide treaty for all First Peoples who live in our state of Victoria.

For me a State-Wide Treaty needs to acknowledge the rights that have been created by our T/O groups, ACCHO’s and Peak Agencies whilst enhancing the wellbeing of all the First Nation Peoples of Victoria and our environment.


Member Updates

January 2025 — Meeting of Assembly at Naarm

My name is Michael “Mookeye” Bell, I’m from the Gunditjmara/Boandik Nations in South West (SW) Victoria and I live in Heywood. I have been elected for the South West Region that takes in Geelong, Ballarat, Hamilton, Heywood, Portland, Warrnambool and the South Coast in Victoria.

I have been informing our community that the FPAV has began Treaty Negotiations with the State Government of Victoria, as of the 21st November 2024. Encourage our community to be keep update to date via the FPAV’s Facebook and Website on negotiations.

I also promoted the Treaty In The Park on the 24th November 2024 in Werribee to our community, it was a successful event.

During mid December and January, i took some time off, due to the Christmas / New Year Period and look forward in promoting the following FPAV Events and Activities: Treaty Day Out in Gippsland on the 8th February 2025, Statewide ACCO Forum in Melbourne on 19th February 2025, Statewide Traditional Owners Forum on 27th February 2025 in Melbourne, Statewide Treaty Gathering on 28th February 2025 & 1st March 2025.

During December 2024 & January 2025, I attended the Treaty In The Park in Werribee, the FPAV Elders Standing Group Meeting in Warrnambool held on the27th November 2024.

I attended the Winda-Mara Back To School Event held on 23rd January 2025 at the Heywood Football/Netball Club. This event provided our local community engagement with a number of local services that provided Back To School Items for students. The FPAV Engagement Team had a site to promote Treaty at the event, with plenty of awareness achieved.

I also attended the Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owner’s Aboriginal Corporation Community Cultural Camp at Lake Condah Mission. This camp engaged Gunditjmara Families from across Australia to camp at Lake Condah and participate in Cultural Activities to continue their connection to country.

I have been invited to Koori Jan 26th Events in Portland & Hamilton on the date, that will celebrate First Nations.

At this point in time, community are aware that Negotiations have started with Treaty and looking forward in participating in future FPAV Activities.

As noted previously, Jan 26th is an important date for our communities. The two events I’ll be attending on the 26th are celebrating local continued connections to country in both Portland and Hamilton. These activities promote aspirations, existence and a sense of belonging of our communities.

I’m influenced by our community in what they are doing, to be active on the 26th Jan to promote First Nations is significant. As it demonstrates confidence in Treaty Making to me, which means I need to ensure as a Treaty Representative that our community is kept informed on Treaty Developments and the opportunities the FPAV provides Community to participate.

I’ll continue to connect with our local ACCO’s/TO’s Groups and future engagement activities to keep our mob updated on Treaty Negotiations. Along with promoting FPAV Engagement Events and Activities and support local community events and activities that engages our communities over the next few months.

With this term of the First Peoples Assembly of Victoria, we as elected members of the Assembly were elected to negotiate Statewide Treaty outcomes. As the Assembly we can demonstrate we are on our pathway to Treaty in Victoria with Treaty Negotiations starting on 21st November 2024, so 2025 is going to be a significant year and it’s important for all First Nations People who call Victoria home.

November 2024 —  Meeting of Assembly at Shepparton


For those who may be reading my update for the first time, my name is Michael “Mookeye” Bell, I’m from the Gunditjmara Nation in South West (SW) Victoria and I live in Heywood. I have been elected for the South West Region that takes in Geelong, Ballarat, Hamilton, Heywood, Portland, Warrnambool and the South Coast in Victoria.

Since my last update in late August 2024, as a SW Regional Member I have been busy participating in some groundbreaking gatherings with our community and community organisations. These Gatherings include State-Wide Forums for our Traditional Owners and Organisations, Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations, along with Expert Panel Gatherings all contributing toward our Practical Outcomes in Treaty Negotiations.

On the 17th September 2024 I attended the Western District ACCO Collective (WDAC) Meeting to liaise with the eight WDAC Members on Treaty Matters. Our Co-Chair Rueben Burg and Eastern Marr Assembly Representative attended with another SW Member Sherree Lowe the meeting. Both groups had positive engagement on Treaty Matters.

On a regional level us in the South West Region had a forum in Portland on the 16th October 2024 at the Budj Bim Rangers Building. Also a forum in Hamilton at the Winda-Mara Hammond Street Building on the 22nd October 2024. Both forums provided our local communities to liaise with Assembly Members and staff on Treaty Matters and provide input towards Practical Outcomes for Treaty Negotiations.

I liaise with Winda-Mara, DWECH, Kirrae, Gunditjmara, Ballarat Co-op and Wathaurong Co-op to promote the mentioned activities for our region. We’ve seen three (3) activities take place in our region over the past two (2) months, which is building capacity with Treaty Making.

I attended the State-Wide Senior Football / Netball Carnival in Portarlington and the Portland Upwelling Festival to promote treaty. It was great to see strong representation at the carnival from the South West Region.

As mentioned in my previous update, I’m a Co-convenor of the FPAV Treaty Committee along with Ms Nerita Waight. Over the past two months the Treaty Committee has conducted two Committee Meetings along with Workstream Meetings that feedback back to the Treaty Committee.

The work from the workstreams and Treaty Committee create recommendations for the FPAV Full Chamber to consider, as only the full chamber can make Treaty decisions. All FPAV Chamber Members are members of the Treaty Committee to support the work.

Additional to the Workstream, we as an assembly conducted Expert Panel Gathering on Child Protection, Arts & Culture, Education, Health & Wellbeing and Sports and Recreation and all panels had our state peak bodies participating in these activities that contribute to our practical outcomes.

I’m a member of the Yurpa Committee that works on the FPAV Cultural Governance, I’ve attended two Yurpa Committee Meetings since late August 2024. Along with participating in Yurpa’s Cultural Elements Working Group.

I’m also a member of the FPAV Audit – Risk Committee that has had three meetings since August 2024. Uncle Peter Hood is the Chairperson of the committee

The next six months is a very important period for Treaty Negotiation, I recommend to all First Nation People in Victoria to continue to be engaged with the Treaty Process. As we have been elected for this term of the First Peoples Assembly of Victoria to negotiate a Statewide Treaty, we are on that pathway.


September 2024 — Meeting of Assembly at Swan Hill

Region: South West
Reserved Seat: No

My name is Michael “Mookeye” Bell, I’m from the Gunditjmara Nation in South West (SW) Victoria and I live in Heywood. I have been elected for the South West Region that takes in Geelong, Ballarat, Hamilton, Heywood, Portland, Warrnambool and the South Coast in Victoria.

Since late February 2024 until 9 August 2024 there has been a number of significant activities undertaken by the First Peoples Assembly of Victoria (FPAV). In our South West Region we seen the Treaty Day Out in Ballarat on 3rd March 2024, Colac Community Forum on 18 March 2024, State Wide Treaty Gathering at Kardinia Park in Geelong from 5-7 March, Treaty Info Session at Winda-Mara in Heywood on 18 April 2024, Warrnambool Regional Treaty Gathering 4 June 2024, Ballarat Regional Treaty Gathering 5 June 2024, FPAV Chamber Meeting in Portland from 26-28 June 2024. All these gatherings are contributing towards Treaty in Victoria.

On the 17 July 2024 we seen the launch of the Victorian Treaty Authority, this body was identified in the negotiated Treaty Negotiation Framework between the FPAV and the Victorian Government. The important work of the Treaty Authority is to support the Treaty Process as identified in the Treaty Negotiation Framework.

The FPAV Chamber conducted a Chamber Meeting at Lake Entrance in March 2024, along with the FPAV Chamber being invited to Victoria Government House to meet the Governor General with the recently established Treaty Authority. I also attended the Victorian Aboriginal Honour Roll as a FPAV Representative.

I liaise with Winda-Mara, DWECH, Kirrae, Gunditjmara, Ballarat Co-op and Wathaurong Co-op to promote the mentioned activities for our region. We’ve seen nine (9) activities take place in our region over the past six months, which is building capacity with Treaty Making.

As mentioned in my previous update, I’m a Co-convener of the FPAV Treaty Committee along with Ms Nerita Waight. Over the past six months the Treaty Committee has conducted eight Committee Meetings along with Workstream Meetings that feedback back to the Treaty Committee.

The work from the workstreams and Treaty Committee create recommendations for the FPAV Full Chamber to consider, as only the full chamber can make Treaty decisions. All FPAV Chamber Members are members of the Treaty Committee to support the work.

A significant FPAV and ACCO Forum took place on 26th August 2024 in Melbourne in regards to identifying practical outcomes in Treaty. It was great to see representations from the ACCO’s in the South West in attendance.

On the 27th August 2024, we as the FPAV conducted at the Victorian Parliament House, we had a strong representation from Members of Parliament who represent a number of different political parties. Our Co-Chairs spoke along with the Premier of the State, both Chairs of the Treaty Authority & Yoorook Commission also presented. It was a positive engagement, with more of these types of engagement to take place in the future, to ensure everyone understands Treaty.

I’m a member of the Yurpa Committee that works on the FPAV Cultural Governance, I’ve attended four Yurpa Committee Meetings since February 2024.

I’m also a member of the FPAV Audit – Risk Committee that has had five meetings since February 2024. Uncle Peter Hood is the Chairperson of the committee.

FPAV has established a Yoorook Committee to lead the FPAV response to the Yoorook Recommendation and submit submissions. I’m a member of the FPAV Yoorook Committee.

The next six months is a very important period for Treaty Negotiation, I recommend to all First Nation People in Victoria to continue to be engaged with the Treaty Process. As we have been elected for this term of the First Peoples Assembly of Victoria to negotiate a Statewide Treaty, we are on that pathway.


June 2024 — Meeting of Assembly at Portland

My name is Michael “Mookeye” Bell, I’m from the Gunditjmara Nation in South West (SW) Victoria and I live in Heywood. I have been elected for the South West Region that takes in Geelong, Ballarat, Hamilton, Heywood, Portland, Warrnambool and the South Coast in Victoria.

Activities I attended in March & May 2024:

Federation Uni Ballarat Discussion Panel on Treaty Process, Victorian Governor General Engagement, Treaty Day Out Ballarat, Colac Treaty Gathering, FPAV Chamber Gathering in Lakes Entrance, Aboriginal Honour Roll, the Statewide Treaty Gathering in Geelong, Winda-Mara Treaty Info Session.

I’m in contact via email with Winda-Mara Aboriginal Corporation, Dhauwurd Wurrung Elderly & Community Health Service, Gunditjmara Aboriginal Co-operative, Kirrae Health Service, Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative, Ballarat & District Aboriginal Co-operative, Worn Gundidj, BSW RAJAC, BSW Dhelk Dja, Dhumba Murmuk Djerring to promote Treaty Information and activities.

During this reporting period the FPAV has enhanced its Cultural Governance at the March Chamber Gathering in Lake Entrance. This meeting endorsed the establishment of five Workstreams for Treaty, the workstream are:

  1. Representative Boby
  2. Governance accountability
  3. Strengthening Culture, Communities and Families
  4. Inherent Rights
  5. Economic Empowerment.

All Chamber Members were invited to register their interest in one or more committees, this will assist with processing Treaty. These workstreams and our existing committees develop proposals for the full Assembly Chamber to consider at Chamber Meetings.

As previously reported, I’m a Co-Convener of the Treaty Committee with Ms Nerita Waight. As a committee we have had six meetings for the reporting period along with planning sessions with FPAV Staff Members who support very well. I also attended four Audit, Risk, Remuneration Committee meetings, along with attending our Assembly’s Yoorrook appearance, Statewide Gathering and Portland Chambers Working Group Meetings for the reporting period.

We have booked the Portland Treaty Gathering for Tuesday 25th June 2024 from 12pm-6pm at the Portland Golf Club. The FPAV full Chamber Meeting will also be held in Portland from the 26th June – 28th June 2024. We are planning to give the Chamber Members and staff an experience at Tae Rak.

In finishing, as promoted in the FPAV Statement of Intent, this term of the FPAV will negotiate a Statewide Treaty. At this point in time the FPAV is developing a Statewide Treaty for Victoria, and it’s important for all First Nations People living in Victoria to be engaged with this process.


March 2024 — Meeting of Assembly at Lakes Entrance

My name is Michael “Mookeye” Bell, I’m from the Gunditjmara Nation in South West (SW) Victoria and I live in Heywood. I have been elected for the South West Region that takes in Geelong, Ballarat, Hamilton, Heywood, Portland, Warrnambool and the South Coast in Victoria. 

As a SW Representative I attended a Treaty Youth Session in Heywood with the FPAV Youth Co-convener. It was good to see young people at the session, with many being too young to vote but they wanted to understand Treaty.  

We attended the Wayne “Swisher” Bell Memorial Cricket Match in Halls Gap on 11th Feb 2024. This event is in its 10th Year and last year FPAV attended to promote enrolments and Treaty Status, with the same focus for this match with over 100 Community Mob attending the event. 

I’ve liaised and had meetings with the CEOs of the Western District ACCO Collective (WDAC) in regards to the Treaty Status. The WDAC brings together the following ACCOs: Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-Operative, Gunditjmara Aboriginal Cooperative, Kirrae Health Service Inc, Dhauwurd-Wurrung Elderly & Community Health Service Inc, Winda-Mara Aboriginal Corporation, Budja Budja Aboriginal Co-operative and Goolum Goolum Aboriginal Co-Operative. 

To support the business of the FPAV in Treaty Negotiation, the FPAV has created committees and working groups for Treaty Negotiation. 

  • I’m a co-convener for the Treaty Committee, as elected by the members of the FPAV and we have had 20 activities for the Treaty Committee since late November 2024. I co-convene with Narita Waight from the Metro Region and Elected FPAV Council Member 
    • Since the start of the Second Term of the FPAV we have seen the establishment of the Self Determination Fund (SDF) and the Treaty Authority which are very important for Treaty in Victoria. 
  • The purpose of the Treaty Committee is to support the FPAV Chamber to make decisions in relation to Treaty & Self Determination Fund. All FPAV Chamber Members are invited to be a part of the Treaty Committee. 
  • The Treaty Committee received updates from Self-Determination Fund (SDF), at this point in time the SDF has called for engagement from Traditional Owner Groups to build capacity of their members for future Treaty Negotiations.   
  • I’m a member of the Yurpa Committee that works on the FPAV Cultural Governance, I’ve attended two Yurpa Committee Meetings since November.  
    • Yurpa Committee is leading the Treaty State-Wide Gathering to be held in Geelong. 
  • I’m also a member of the FPAV Audit – Risk Committee that has had two meetings since November 2024.  Uncle Peter Hood is the Chairperson of the committee 
  • FPAV has established a Yoorook Committee to lead the FPAV response to the Yoorook Recommendation and submit submissions. I’m a member of the FPAV Yoorook Committee. 
  • With the holiday’s now over and organisations and families are back online, I plan to connect with people and organisations over the next period. We have a Colac Gathering on 18 March 2024 from 5pm along with other Gatherings in the South West. 


Inaugural Speech of the Assembly's Second Term

Contact Uncle Mookeye
