© Copyright 2020 First Peoples’ Assembly Of Victoria

We are the First Peoples’ Assembly

The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria is the independent and democratically elected body to represent Traditional Owners of Country and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Victoria.

We know when it comes to Aboriginal communities, the experts are Aboriginal people.

That’s why we’re negotiating a Treaty with the Victorian Government that will make sure Aboriginal communities always have the freedom and power to make the decisions that affect us, our cultures, and our Country.

Meet the members

Meet the Traditional Owners of Country who have been chosen by their communities to represent their hopes, needs and ideas on the journey to Treaty.

Assembly Members represent communities across 5 regions that cover Victoria: Metropolitan, South East, South West, North East and North West.

Find your Region →

North West Region

North East Region

Metro Region

South West Region

South East Region

Share your thoughts and feedback about the elected Assembly Members.
What is the role of an Assembly Member?

Inaugural Assembly Members

Meet the Traditional Owners of Country who were chosen by their communities to sit on the very first Assembly from 2019-2023.


The Elders’ Voice provides the Assembly with the cultural strength and guidance that is needed on this journey to Treaty – giving our Elders a platform for their voices to be listened to and respected at every step. When Elders speak, we listen.


While the older generations have paved the way for Treaty, our young people will be the ones living it.

The Youth Voice brings young mob together so they can share their ideas and aspirations for Treaty. 


There are currently 33 Members who sit on the Assembly, 22 occupying general seats and the remaining in reserved seats – designated for each formally recognised Traditional Owner group.

The Assembly has developed an additional pathway for Traditional Owner groups who do not have formal recognition under legislation to apply for a reserved seat.