I am a grassroots Aboriginal community member from the Gunai, Yorta Yorta, Gunditjmara, and Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung nations. I pay respect to all traditional owners across this country, our ancestors, and our elders, past and present.
Through my family I have strong connections to many Aboriginal communities and I promise to always uphold my cultural and community obligations.
We have an amazing opportunity to negotiate treaties on our terms. We have created a treaty negotiation framework that promises to uphold and respect Aboriginal lore and protocols. Treaties must acknowledge our sovereignty, recognise our inherent rights to lands and waters, and hold Governments accountable for past injustices.
I am committed and accountable and bring my cultural values, experience, and knowledge to the Assembly. I will fight hard to ensure treaties fulfill the aspirations of our nations and benefit every family, community, clan and nation.
Member Updates
January 2025 — Meeting of Assembly at Naarm
I am a Gunai, Yorta Yota, Gunditmara, and Wurundjeri Woi wurrung man and connected to many families and communities across Victoria. In July 2023 I was selected to the First Peoples’ Assembly representing the Metropolitan region. Thanks to all of our community who voted, your vote counts.
As Yurpa Convenor, I have played a pivotal role in embedding the Yurpa philosophy within the Assembly. This guiding framework makes sure our cultural authority, lore, and traditional governance, is embedded across our structures, ensuring that our decisions reflect our values and cultural responsibilities. I have facilitated multiple workshops with elected members, staff, and Indigenous knowledge holders to deepen understanding of the Yurpa philosophy and its practical application.
I convened our Cultural Elements Working Group that designed the Treaty commencement ceremony, on November 21, 2024, on Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Country. This community ceremony was led by Dancers, Elders and Youth from all of our tribes and was a culturally significant moment for our Aboriginal communities. The ceremony reflected our cultural protocols, history, and Treaty aspirations. By grounding this historic event in our traditions, we have sent a powerful message about the centrality of culture in the Treaty process and set the tone for future negotiations.
In October I was involved in our Community Expert Panel Workshop on Education, participated in Economic Prosperity Workshop, presented to the Oxfam Board of Directors, met with the Yorta Yorta Nations Board, attended the Traditional Owner Forum, presented to the Monash Uni and Macquarie Uni Indigenous HDR Summit, and met with Senator Malarndirri McCarthy.
In November I attended the second ACCO Forum, participated in the Assembly Chamber on Yorta Yorta Country, went on a tour of the Bangerang Cultural Centre, participated in the Ceremonial Opening of Treaty Negotiations on Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Country, hosted senior democracy/human rights advocates from Myanmar, listened to Deadly Uncle Kutcha’s performance @ Treaty in the Park in Werribee, and attended the launch of Uncle Archie and Aunty Ruby’s beautiful statue.
In December I delivered a speech at the National Indigenous Legal Conference hosted by Tarwirri – Indigenous Law Students and Lawyers Association of Victoria in Naarm, delivered an interactive workshop about “How to have a conversation about Treaty” with Community Mobilisers for Australian Progress, and participated in Workshop with the Blak Creative Arts Caucus @ ACMI.
In January we held a presser about January 26th and will be having our Chamber meeting in Melbourne on Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Country.
Over the last three months, I’ve had wide ranging yarns with different sections of our community about the progress of Treaty discussions. The Blak Creative Arts Caucus were proactive in approaching assembly members about the importance of Culture and the Arts for our communities.
Our team have done a massive job collating all of the various comments, feedback, advice, and critical feedback form our gatherings to strengthen our Treaty proposals.
As a Council Member, I have contributed extensively to the governance of FPAV. I have actively participated in developing strategic priorities, ensuring that our objectives align with our commitment to sovereignty, self-determination, and community empowerment. My focus has been on fostering collaboration, upholding cultural governance principles, and promoting a forward-thinking approach to the challenges and opportunities before us.
The next few months the Assembly will be heavily focused on negotiating the first Statewide Treaty with the Government. We also have the next Statewide Gathering and Traditional Owner Forums to look forward to.
When facilitating workshops, contributing to governance reforms, and supporting our cultural gatherings, I have worked to bring people together, build consensus, and inspire action. I believe that strong governance and cultural resilience go hand in hand, and I am proud of the role I have played in strengthening both within FPAV.
I will continue to champion the principles of cultural governance, self-determination, and accountability, ensuring that FPAV continues to demonstrate and practice collective leadership for all Aboriginal peoples in Victoria.
November 2024 — Meeting of Assembly at Shepparton
The last few months I have engaged with traditional owners, community members, allies, and ACCOs at various community events. It was great to see all our deadly kids at the VACSAL junior Football and Netball carnival on Djarra Country.
I also engaged with several potential allies, including NGOs and Universities. In October, I met with Oxfam Australia’s executive board, informed them about progress towards treaty, and gave them advice about they might be able to support and contribute as allies. I also presented to Indigenous PhD researchers through Monash University.
Aside from our Yurpa, Treaty, and Chamber meetings I participated in multiple treaty workshops on the future assembly (3), economic (6), community services (1), and importantly our internal Yoorrook committee (1). These panels and workshops involved many community experts. A highlight was our workshop with the Kaiela Institute which included visits to the Rumbalara Elders Facility and the magnificent new Munarra Centre for Regional Excellence. Finally, I presented for our Education Expert Panel workshop organised through our Treaty workstream.
As mentioned in my last report, in early September we held an historic Chamber at Swan Hill on Wamba Wemba Country. Over the last period I also attended all 5 Council meetings held.
In October we held a Yurpa Workshop at the Burrinja Cultural Centre in Upwey. The workshop included a beautiful Welcome to Country by Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung woman Stacey Piper. We were so lucky to have the deadly Tarneen Onus-Browne (proud Gunditjmara, Bindal, Yorta Yorta and Meriam person) and some of our amazing legal team Ully Merkel and Karri Walker. They provided strategic advice about community mobilisation and cultural governance.
The Yurpa committee met four times in the last couple of months to organise the cultural elements for the commencement of negotiations ceremony coming up on the 21st of November.
Professional Development
I attended two Indigenous Data Sovereignty workshops. The first with Terri Janke’s Indigenous Cultural Governance Law Way program. The second with leading Indigenous researchers Kowa Collaboration through Moondani Balluk at Victoria University.
Looking ahead
On the 21st of November, at Darebin Parklands on Wurrundjeri Woi-wurrung Country we will formally commence treaty negotiations with the State Government of Victoria. The commencement ceremony will be a symbolic moment representing the monumental collective effort from our past leaders, activists, fighters, to help us get us to the treaty table. To all our Elders, peoples, families, Traditional Owners, ACCOs, Allies, supporters, this is our shared moment. This one is for the ancestors…
List of meetings
- 10 Sep – DJSIR Briefing: Aboriginal Economic Development Fund and First Peoples Tourism Program
- 25 Sep – VACSAL Junior Football and Netball Carnival
- 1 Oct – Expert Panel Workshop on Education
- 11 Oct – Engagement with NGO Allies
- 18 Oct – Regional NE member engagement
- 21 Oct – Traditional Owner Forum
- 25 Oct – Monash University Presentation
- 28-30 Oct – Kowa Collaboration @ Aboriginal History Archive, Moondani Balluk
- 18 Sep – Law Way – Indigenous Cultural Governance
- 19 Sep – Yurpa Committee
- 26 Sep – Cultural Elements Working Group
- 17 Oct – Yurpa Workshop – Mobilisation & Cultural Governance
- 23 Oct – Cultural Elements Working Group
- 30 Aug, 12 Sep, 10 Oct, 18 Oct, 25 Oct
- 10 Sep – Yoorrook Committee meetings
Treaty Committee
- 29 Aug – Future Assembly WS
- 30 Aug – Economic Prosperity WS workshop @ Kaiela Institute
- 17 Sep – Expert Workshop on Economic Prosperity @ ACMI Federation Square
- 18 Sep – Economic Prosperity WS writing workshop
- 18 Sep – Future Assembly WS
- 20 Sep – Bills Review Working Group
- 20 Sep – Treaty Committee
- 25 Sep – Economic Prosperity Workshop
- 9 Oct – Economic Prosperity Workshop
- 18 Oct – Treaty Committee
- 23 Oct – Economic Prosperity Expert Panel and Workshop
- 31 Oct – Treaty Committee
- 4, 5, 6 September – Chamber at Swan Hill on Wamba Wemba Country
September 2024 — Meeting of Assembly at Swan Hill
Region: Metropolitan
Reserved Seat: No
Over the last few months, I’ve attended many community gatherings, activities, yarns, and catchups. I’ve also participated in many events with different groups to progress our treaty aspirations. Many talks with community members about treaty.
We held a regional Metropolitan gathering at the Aborigines Advancement League. Our community had the opportunity to hear about progress with Treaty negotiations. Representatives from the Treaty Authority and the Self Determination Fund also attended.
The gathering with the ACCO sector was a significant step toward further consolidating our collective power. It was an amazing opportunity for the Assembly and our members to engage and collaborate more strongly with community organisations on our shared priorities. There was strong representation from ACCOs across the state and I look forward to ongoing regular yarns. These forums provide the opportunity for unity and solidarity across sectors in pursuit of better outcomes for our peoples.
In August assembly members met with global First Peoples allies, Karen Diver (US) and Kelvin Davis, (Aotearoa), and Indigenous sovereignty expert, Aunty Mary Graham (Kombumerri and Wakka Wakka knowledge holder).
The official launch of the Treaty Authority was a meaningful and empowering next step on the path to Treaty.
All the mechanisms are now in place for formal treaty negotiations to commence. The Assembly also submitted formal notification to the authority to declare that We Are Ready!
However, Uncle Kutcha Edwards’ (Our Song Man) beautiful rendition of “Singing Up Country” pulled on our heartstrings and perfectly embodied the significance of this moment.
Community reports from our various gatherings are available here.
Some highlights include:
3 July – Metropolitan Regional Treaty Forum at the AAL
7 July – NAIDOC March
26 Aug – Forum with the Aboriginal Community Control Sector
27 Aug – Treaty and Truth Parliamentary Lunch
Yurpa Committee
Tracey and I have been very busy with Yurpa Committee business. The committee established a Cultural Elements Working Group to ensure the cultural protocols and practices are at the forefront in our treaty journey.
Our workshop with Aunty Mary Graham on relational sovereignty was a special highlight. Members had the privilege to yarn with Aunty Mary and get critical reflections about the cultural governance processes we have setup through the Yurpa committee. We look forward to having more conversations with esteemed Aboriginal knowledge holders, like Aunty Mary Graham.
I attended and actively contributed to all Council meetings held in July and August. The Council met with Minister for Treaty and First Peoples, Natalie Hutchins at Parliament.
Consolidating our collective power has been a priority over the last two months. This also involved engaging with our communities to strengthen unity and solidarity. Mobilising Aboriginal community members and political lobbying with political parties, lobby groups, allies, and other stakeholders will be critical as we head towards negotiations.
Looking ahead
I’m excited for our next Chamber coming up in Swan Hill in September. I look forward to finally meeting with our Elders Standing Group. At chamber we will also be endorsing important decisions about our negotiations.
In the next quarter we are planning to hold another Next Metropolitan Regional Treaty Forum (most likely in the East). We will keep community updated about time and place.
In the coming months we need your support as we get closer to commencing negotiations. I urge you to come to our events to inform yourself, give honest critical feedback, and activate your treaty rights. Keep the Fire Burning, in your heart and minds…
June 2024 — Meeting of Assembly at Portland
In the last couple of months, we have been yarning about Treaty with our community, contributing to Yoorrook’s truth telling process, holding member workshops to strengthen our cultural governance, and sharing knowledge with international Indigenous delegations.
In April we held our first Statewide gathering in Geelong on Waddawurrung Country. This was an important step to bring Traditional Owner groups, and our community members together from across the state.
I participated in an Indigenous Data Sovereignty workshop with the Treaty Authority to discuss how we ensure Indigenous data and knowledges are protected, managed, and controlled by Indigenous peoples.
Assembly members from the Metropolitan region attended a Community yarning session at Dardee Munwurro to update the local community about proposed Treaty priorities.
The Assembly Co-chairs participated in Yoorrook hearings on land injustice and social injustice with many members attending the land injustice session.
The second Ngarra Jarra Noun healing ceremony was held at Vic Park. This year the gathering focused on recognising the leadership and struggle of the Rumbalara, and Fitzroy Stars football and netball clubs.
In May I organised a cultural workshop at Bunjilaka museum for the Yurpa Committee members. At the workshop we discussed our language groups, tribes, clans, and connections. We also agreed on principles for cultural governance to be embedded across the Assembly.
A delegation of Indigenous peoples from Taiwan visited the Assembly in May to find out more about our Treaty landscape in Victoria.
As part of Reconciliation week, I participated in talks at the Australian criminology School and the University of Melbourne, and attended the Victorian Aboriginal Remembrance Day at the shrine to pay respect to Indigenous peoples’ contribution.
In June the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria will co-host the AIATSIS Summit. This was a great opportunity for us to share the Treaty journey in Victoria with First Peoples and Nations from across the country. The Assembly made a huge contribution to the conference program and cultural activities including dancers, weavers, artists and musicians were demonstrated by Traditional Owners of Country from every Assembly region.
In addition, our Youth Voice Convenors, Alice Pepper and Jordan Edwards co-designed a deadly Youth Forum as part of the Summit.
Apart from these activities I’ve chaired our Yurpa Committee meetings alongside Tracey Evans. I’ve attended and contributed to Treaty Committee meetings (to determine our Treaty priorities and negotiation strategies), joined Treaty workstreams focused on Economic Empowerment and a Future Assembly. As a Council member I attended council meetings including regional meetings held in Horsham and Shepparton.
Looking forward June Chamber will be on Gunditjmara Country up in Portland. We will be holding a number of regional forums, so keep an eye out for these. We are close to formally starting Treaty negotiations with the State. Time for us to mobilise our families, clans, communities, and nations.
March 2024 — Meeting of Assembly at Lakes Entrance
I am a Gunai, Yorta Yota, Gunditmara, and Wurundjeri Woi wurrung man and connected to many families and communities across Victoria. In July 2023 I was elected to the First Peoples’ Assembly representing the Metropolitan region. Thanks to all of our community who voted, your vote counts.
Community engagement
I’ve yarned with our Aboriginal community in Melbourne and across Victoria about the path to Treaty and Treaties. In the last few months, I’ve attended community yarning sessions at Dardi Munwurro’s Aunty Alma Gathering Place, Bubup Wilam, and the Aborigines Advancement League. I’ve had multiple yarns with our people about Treaty at a range of different community events. These gatherings are essential for us to come together and listen to our community, and consider our Treaty positions and priorities.
Council Member and Yurpa Co-convenor
As a council member I have responsibility for convening the Yurpa Committee which focuses on the cultural governance of the Assembly. The committee, which all members can attend, ensures our governance principles and cultural values are at the heart of Assembly decision-making processes.
Another objective of the Yurpa Committee is to broaden representation on the Assembly. We recently convened and completed review of the Additional Pathways to Reserved Seat process to strengthen our inclusivity and representation. This effort was about refining how we approach the reserved seat process, ensuring it reflects our communities. It’s about creating spaces where every voice is heard and valued.
FPAV Chambers, Council, and Committee meetings
I’ve attended our formal chamber meetings on Wurundjeri Country (Parliament July 23’), Djaara Country (Bendigo Sept 23’), and Bunerong/Boon Wurrung Country (Phillip Island Nov 23’). We recently visited Wotjobaluk Country (Horsham February 24’), for our council meeting. Thanks to Barengi Gadjin for hosting us and taking us on a special visit to Ebenezer Mission. These experiences underscore the importance of connecting with our history, our land, and each other.
As part of my role, I’ve regularly attended our Treaty Committee and been an active contributor to our discussions and decisions. These are important discussions shaping our negotiation positions and identifying priorities in our Statewide Treaty. I am also a member of the Yoorrook Committee, which prepares and develops Assembly submissions to the Yoorrook Justice Commission. I believe truth-telling is a fundamental and crucial component for authentic agreement making. I’ve personally contributed to the Assembly Land Justice submission and upcoming Health, Housing, and Education submission.
Looking forward
I encourage all of our people, families, Traditional Owner Groups, organisations, sports clubs, and community groups to attend our Statewide Treaty Gathering in April. This will be a pivotal moment for us to unite, strategise, and amplify our voices. It’s an opportunity for every one of us to contribute to shaping the path towards a Treaty that truly reflects our aspirations and rights.
The Assembly will co-convene the AIATSIS Summit in Melbourne from June 3-7, 2024. The summit is an opportunity for us to share our collective progress towards treaties, exchange knowledge, celebrate our cultures, and build stronger frameworks for governance and self-determination. This summit will be a gathering of minds, spirits, and hearts, all united in the cause of advancing our peoples’ rights and wellbeing.
In the next step of this journey, we need our communities and our people to get behind us and support a collective movement. The opportunities ahead of us are immense. Through unity, connection, and unwavering commitment, we can shape a future that acknowledges our shared history (including truth telling), celebrates our present, and secures our sovereignty for generations to come. Let’s embrace these opportunities together, with open hearts and minds, ready to blaze the trail together.