© Copyright 2020 First Peoples’ Assembly Of Victoria

Director, Trustee of the Self-Determination Fund

Posted: 20 December 2024

Applications closed

Salary range: Remuneration will be commensurate with experience and requirements of the role.

Employment type: The appointment term is up to 3 years (staggered terms).

Download: Job Profile

The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria is seeking to appoint Directors to Self-Determination Fund Trustee Limited, the Trustee of the Self-Determination Fund.  

The Self-Determination Fund represents a historic step on the path to Treaty in Victoria. Controlled by First Peoples, the Self-Determination Fund will make sure Traditional Owners are ready to enter Treaty negotiations with the State of Victoria on a more equal playing field, as well as help build capacity, wealth and prosperity for current and future generations. 

Directors will lead a transformational institution that will improve the lives of First Peoples in Victoria for generations to come by shifting decision-making power into the hands of community and enabling economic self-determination.  

This is an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Designated Position, classified under ‘special measures’ of section 12 of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010. Only Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people are eligible to apply. 


The Assembly’s objective is to promote the self-determination and empowerment of Traditional Owners and Aboriginal Victorians through the Treaty process by:

  • Acting as the First Peoples’ Representative Body to negotiate and agree Statewide Treaty and Interim Agreements,
  • Acting as the Aboriginal Representative Body to support Treaty negotiations; and
  • Enabling Traditional Owners and Aboriginal Victorians to exercise sovereignty, the right to self-determination and other rights; including those contained in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).

About the Self-Determination Fund:

  • The Self-Determination Fund is a foundational element of the Victorian Treaty process. It is created by agreement between the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria (Assembly) and the State Government under the Advancing the Treaty Process with Aboriginal Victorians Act 2018. 
  • The Assembly is the democratic, representative body for First Peoples in the Victorian Treaty process. It is a not-for-profit public company. 
  • The Self-Determination Fund is a public charitable trust (registered charity) managed by the Trustee with oversight from the Assembly. The Trustee is a not-for-profit public company, registered charity and a wholly owned subsidiary of the Assembly.


  • Directors will be committed to delivering support and benefits to First Peoples in Victoria through a First Peoples-controlled Fund.  
  • They will have a high level of integrity, possess financial management or investment acumen and experience and be passionate about contributing to the self-determination and economic independence of First Peoples in Victoria.
  • Directors will focus on managing the Self-Determination Fund with a focus on:  
    • Oversight of the Fund’s equal footing grants program to support Traditional Owners enter Treaty negotiations with the State Government on a more level playing field, 
    • Developing and implementing the Fund’s wealth and prosperity purpose 
    • Responsibility managing the Fund, including investments to ensure it’s a financial resource for First People now and in the future, 
    • Implementing the strategic plan and other strategies, policies and procedures;  
    • Ensuring good governance and accountability standards across the Self-Determination Fund’s operations including applicable trustee, corporations and charities standards; 
    • Monitoring and evaluating the Self-Determination Fund’s impact; 
    • Overseeing management personnel; and 
    • Consulting with the Advisory and Investment Committee to the Trustee board.


Individual Selection Criteria:  

  • Comprehensive knowledge of Victorian Aboriginal Communities and organisations.
  • Demonstrated skill and capacity to work effectively and with integrity in the context of a Victorian Traditional Owner Representative Body.
  • Able to discharge the obligations and duties of director under the applicable provisions of the Corporations Act 2001, the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 and ACNC Governance Standards and other applicable law;  
  • Have demonstrated experience managing or holding a decision-making position in a company or other organisation similar to the Trustee.
  • Are of high repute and recognised integrity.
  • Are not a person who has been disqualified from managing corporations under the Corporations Act 2001, Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 or other applicable law.
  • Have other demonstrated experience and expertise relevant to the Trustee as determined by the Assembly from time to time.
  • Are financially literate and able to read and understand financial statements. 

Preferential Requisites – Group Selection Criteria: 

  • A majority of persons that are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander (from a cross-section of communities).
  • Directors possessing demonstrated expertise in culturally respectful leadership and collaboration.
  • Directors possessing demonstrated expertise in the finance sector or other related fields (such as investment, social or statutory funds or grant-making and management).   

Exclusions of persons for consideration in the roles:

  • Those unable to fulfill time commitments of a director of the Trustee.
  • Currently a general member or reserved member of the Assembly.
  • Those candidates that have been a general member or reserved member of the Assembly within the preceding 3 months.

For more information, please see job profile attached or contact us at People@firstpeoplesvic.org

Please submit your expression of interest by providing a short statement (two page maximum) by 16 February 2025 that outlines your relevant experience and other supporting documents to People@firstpeoplesvic.org