© Copyright 2020 First Peoples’ Assembly Of Victoria

Enrol a friend for your chance to win a $500 gift voucher each!

May 10, 2023

Get a friend to enrol with the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria and go into the draw to win two $500 gift vouchers for you and your mate.

Enrolling online is easy, it takes around 10 minutes and is the best way for mob to have our voices heard and show support for Treaty.

To enter the draw, your friend must enrol online by 2 June and share your name and email address with us via the confirmation page.

Then you’ll both go into the running to win!

Names will be drawn at random, so get your friends and family enrolled by 2 June.

Enrol here

P.S. The more friends and family you encourage to enrol, the more chances you have of winning!

Terms & Conditions apply, find them here.