© Copyright 2020 First Peoples’ Assembly Of Victoria

Additional pathways to recognition — Guidelines for applicant groups

May 5, 2022

Self-Determination means deciding how we want to represent ourselves.
The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria is the elected voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples on the journey to Treaty for Victoria.

There are currently 31 Members who sit on the Assembly, 21 occupying general seats and the remaining in reserved seats – designated for each formally recognised Traditional Owner group.

The Assembly has developed an additional pathway for Traditional Owner groups who do not have formal recognition under legislation to apply for a reserved seat.

Groups can apply directly to the Assembly and will need to meet certain criteria. The whole Assembly Chamber will decide whether to grant a group a reserved seat. Once a group is granted a reserved seat, they can choose a representative to sit on the Assembly and work with other elected Members on developing the foundations for future Treaty-making.

Our application process is now open. Use this guide to to learn how to apply for a reserved seat on the First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria.

As Traditional Owners, we have the right to choose how to represent ourselves. This means more room at the table for our mob, doing business our way.