© Copyright 2020 First Peoples’ Assembly Of Victoria


Mar 20, 2023

As authorised by the Returning Officer

The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria is holding an election for Community to decide who will next represent them on the Assembly.

The election will be run in accordance with the Assembly’s Election Rules and Constitution. This includes that a Returning Officer will oversee the Election.

Number of General Members to be elected

A total of 22 General Members will be elected across the Assembly’s five voting regions:

RegionNumber of General Members to be elected
South West3
North West3
North East3
South East3

The Assembly has a gender quota for elections. This means that 40% of vacancies in each region must be filled by non-male identifying candidates.

How to nominate

If you’ve ever thought about standing for election to the Assembly yourself, now’s your chance!

Any eligible First Peoples are encouraged to nominate to run in the election. To stand as a candidate you must:

  1. Be validly enrolled with the Assembly
  2. Be aged 18 or older at the time you nominate
  3. Be a Victorian Traditional Owner
  4. Not be disqualified from acting as a director of a company under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)
  5. Not be in prison, the subject of an order under the Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be Tried) Act 1997 (Vic) or restricted by bail, remand, parole or other legal mechanisms from travelling within Victoria
  6. Be able to comply with the rights and responsibilities of a Member of the Assembly, as set out in the Assembly’s Constitution and the Members’ Charter
  7. Provide the Returning Officer with any further information necessary to confirm your eligibility to stand as a candidate.

To nominate, complete the nomination form which will be published prior to nominations opening on 3 April and provide it to the Returning Officer by 4.00pm on Monday 24 April. Following this, the Returning Officer will assess and confirm all valid nominations, in accordance with the Assembly’s Election Rules.

The Returning Officer will publish further information and hold information sessions about how to nominate for election.

Voting period

It’s not compulsory to vote, but your voice is important, and we want to hear it! Voting will be open from Saturday 13 May to Saturday 3 June. You’ll be able to vote online via an email address, via SMS, in person at one of our polling booths or via postal vote.

Key election dates

What’s happening?When is it happening?
Candidate nominations open9.00am on 3 April 2023
Candidate nominations close4.00pm on 24 April 2023
Announcement of candidates4.00pm on 5 May 2023
Voting opens7.00am on 13 May 2023
Voting closes11.00pm on 3 June 2023
Votes counted10am on 17 June 2023

Election documents

If you require the nomination form to be sent out to you in hard copy, or if you have any questions about the election process, please contact the Returning Officer.

Gavin Ryan
Returning Officer
0403 336 829

Jessica Fox
Deputy Returning Officer
0417 613 866


What’s happening?When is it happening?
Enrol to vote in this electionNow until 3 June
Notice of Election issuedMonday 20 March
Candidate information session – North-East RegionMonday 3 April, 6pm – 7.30pm
Candidate information session – North-West RegionMonday 3 April, 7.30pm – 9pm
Candidate information session – South-East RegionTuesday 4 April, 6pm – 7.30pm
Candidate information session – South-West RegionTuesday 4 April, 7.30pm – 9pm
Candidate information session – Metro RegionWednesday 5 April, 6.30pm – 8pm
Board publishes candidate support informationFriday 31 March
Candidate nominations openMonday 3 April at 9.00am
Candidate campaign materials support opensTuesday 4 April at 9.00am
Candidate information session – alternate session for candidates from any regionThursday 20 April at 7.00pm
Candidate nominations closeMonday 24 April at 4.00pm
Final announcement of candidatesFriday 5 May at 4.00pm
Ballot draw (online) for all regionsMonday 8 May from 11.00am
Meet the candidate events9, 10 and 11 May
Voting opening daySaturday 13 May at 7.00am (online votes)
First day of in-person pollingSaturday 13 May
Last day to request a postal voteWednesday 24 May
Candidate campaign materials support closesFriday 26 May at 5.00pm
Last day of in-person pollingSaturday 3 June
Voting Closing (all voting closes) and postal votes to be sentSaturday 3 June at 11:00pm
Scrutineer Training Session 1 (online)Tuesday 6 June at 7.00pm
Scrutineer Training Session 2 (online)Thursday 8 June at 7.00pm
Postal votes must be receivedFriday 16 June at 6.00pm
Votes countedSaturday 17 June at 10.00am
Results announcedAs soon as practicable after the votes have been counted
Last day to make a complaint7 days after the results are announced